"Educating Tomorrow's Leaders One Hug at a Time"

520-575-6565 1310 W. Ina Road Ina and La Canada

IMG_7550Our Infant Room

At Creative Kids Preschool, we strive to make this first transition away from home as comfortable and easy as possible for both you and your child.

All our Infant Room teachers receive special training on infant care to provide babies with the most optimal, loving care. We believe that it is very important to keep the same familiar faces in that room, so that our babies can develop a loving relationship and feel a strong sense of security when they are away from home.  In our Infant room, our teachers will spend generous amounts of time rocking, cuddling and talking to your baby.  Through our Quality First Program, our teachers have been trained to turn ordinary care-giving routines into teachable moments, basing what they do for and with your infant on your baby’s individual needs and developmental level.

Partnering with our ParentsIMG_9981

We work with our parents to ensure that the routine we are developing for their infant, at school is consistent with what they are used to at home. We also understand the importance of keeping you informed regarding all parts of your baby’s day. Parents receive a daily log sheet which details all about their baby’s day including: napping, feeding, diapering and learning activities, when they come to pick up their child.

Along with the daily reports you will receive, our teachers will also create a portfolio for your child.  Their individual portfolio will contain a developmental checklist, anecdotal notes taken by the teacher and pictures of your baby’s activities and special moments that have occurred throughout the year.  We also offer a parent-teacher conference, before june_2009_033_600x[1]they move out of the class, to review their portfolio and to talk about your child’s growth and development over the past year.

For those mothers who are breast feeding, you may bring in bottled breast milk for your child to drink, or may even come in to breast feed, if your schedule allows.  For those infants on formula, we are able to provide Members Mark Advantage (similar to Enfamil) or you are welcome to bring your own formula. We also provide infant cereal.  Parents provide the jar baby food or table foods for their little ones to eat.

We do ask that parents bring in diapers, wipes, a change of clothes, and a lightweight blanket for your little one to snuggle with during nap.

Stimulating and Safe Environment

100_4814Our infant room is designed to create the best and safest environment for our teachers to supervise and protect our children as well as enhance their play and learning experiences. Our play areas are setup to provide plenty of room for exploration and movement.  They are filled with carefully selected toys and books designed to positively support all areas of your baby’s development.

Every child is assigned their own crib and provided with a sheet, which are sanitized and changed daily. Our room is also kept meticulously clean thorough the sanitizing of toys, high chairs, and floors every day.

Our teachers are consistently responsive to the needs of your little one. Our warm and caring staff will support your baby’s emotional needs and will always be a careful observer of him/her. When feeding our younger babies we always hold them.  Older babies are given their bottles to hold in a high chair.  We do not prop bottles nor do we give babies a bottle in their crib.  This helps reduce the incidence of ear infection and give your baby individual attention during feeding time.IMG_7576

Learning Times

We know that babies have an incredible capacity for learning. Our nurturing teachers will read, talk and sing to your baby consistently throughout the day to encourage their language development.

We enhance your child’s gross motor development with “tummy time” and toys that boost crawling and walking skills.Our educational toys stimulate brain development and babies are encourage to make their own discoveries by roaming and exploring the room.


“There was nothing harder than having to go back to work after having my son.  What a relief it is to have a safe place to leave my infant while I work.  Creative Kids has loving, attentive teachers who keep me informed of every detail of my son’s day.  He couldn’t be happier and neither could I.”

Melissa Chadwick

For more information or to schedule a tour

Please call 520-575-6565
1310 W. Ina Road
Tucson, AZ 85704
Email Us: creativekids@creative-kids.net

Bright Star Preschool
1750 E. Prince Rd

New Discoveries Preschool
1109 W. Prince Rd

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"Educating Tomorrow's Leaders
One Hug at a Time"

1310 W. Ina Road
Ina and La Canada