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The Kovacs Family has been leading Creative Kids Preschool since 2005, emphasizing excellence in early childhood education. Our goal is to offer a nurturing and quality educational experience by developing the whole child: intellectually, socially, emotionally, physically, and spiritually in a safe, clean and healthy environment.

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The Explorers

Welcome to our “The Wild Things” classroom!

As your toddler is continuing to grow so is their curiosity and desire to learn. As they actively explore the world around them they are beginning to learn to communicate their thoughts and feelings. In our two’s program Ms. Kim will keep their small hands busy and minds engaged through numerous activities which focus on social skills and cognitive development. Social skills are encouraged through teaching our children to take turns, use gentle hands, and play cooperatively with their peers. Ms. Kim has been with us as our 2’s teacher for 6 years. She has a unique ability to support each child and let them know that they are special in their own way.

Learning through Play

In our toddler class, we continue the approach that the best way to teach a child is through play and exploration. However, we do begin to introduce more teacher directed activities. Ms. Kim uses a weekly curriculum (which is posted in the room) based on themes that are not only interesting, but also enrich their learning experience by expanding their knowledge of the world around them. Our multi-experiential curriculum consists of a variety of activities including: art, music with instruments and dancing, pretend play, blocks, construction, dress up, science, social studies, as well as sand and water play. Our day starts with circle time, where the children are invited to join into songs, games, and stories. We also introduce concepts such as: ABC’s, Colors, Shapes, Opposites, Body Parts and Counting. Next, we offer a teacher supervised art project daily. During art time children are encouraged to create freely. We work hard to cultivate their creativity and provide them with various art materials and mediums to do so. At New Discoveries Preschool, we focus more on the process by which our children create rather than the actual product that they are making.

Learning Activities throughout the Day

Our day with a short circle time, where the children are invited to join into songs, games, and stories. We also introduce concepts such as: ABC’s, Colors, Shapes, Opposites, Body Parts and Counting. Next, we offer a creative art project, where children are encouraged to create freely, emphasizing the process by which our children create rather than the actual product that they are making, and are provided with various art materials to do so. The children will be encouraged to continue developing their fine motor skills through a teacher planned center that will change daily. Some activities will include learning to pour from a pitcher, cutting with scissors, using tweezers, holding and using markers with their pincer grasp, lacing, zipping, and buckling.

“Encouraging Early Learning Discoveries Through Love and Laughter”